
Hosting FAQ
About this FAQ
This FAQ will answer the most common questions prior to signing up.
A detailed technical FAQ is available in the Existing Customers section.

What is web hosting?
When you create a web page on your local computer, only you can see it.
For the rest of the world to see it, you need to upload it to a web server.
A web server is a computer that is connected to the internet 24 hours/day.
When you buy web hosting you get space and traffic on a web server.

Why should I pay for web hosting?
With paid webhosting you do not get ads or popups forced on your site.
You also get a lot of features that aren't available at the free web hosts.
By paying for the hosting you also identify yourself, so we can let you host advanced features that could otherwise be compromised by spammers.

Why should I signup for EchoEchoPlus web hosting?
Many hosts have bronze, silver and gold plans (some even platinum!)
We have one plan with all the features - our "no nonsense" approach.
It's more work to run gold, silver and bronze plans than to have just one.

How can you offer all of this at $7.50/month?
You get a panel where you can handle the administration of your account.
You do not have to wait for us to do things - just do it whenever you like.
This saves us a lot of work and you get complete freedom - a win-win.

How do I sign up for a hosting account?
1: Click the "Signup" link at the top of this page.
2: Enter your personal information.
3: Complete the signup with your online payment.

How long does it take to setup an account?
New accounts are usually operational within a few hours.
First the payment is going through a number of fraud checks.
Then we activate the account and send you an email with logins and help.
We also create a subdomain where you can see the site immediately.
You can use this domain until a real domain is pointed over.

Capacity FAQ
How much space do I get?
You get 5000 MB storage space on the server.
If you need more, you definitely need a dedicated server for the site.
How much traffic do I get?
You get 300 GB of traffic per month.
This would equal about 10,000,000 web pages.
If you need more traffic you really need a dedicated server for the site.
How many mail accounts do I get?
You get up to 50 unique mailboxes at the server.
These are real mailboxes that can be read from mail programs or webmail

How many databases can I create?
We do not limit the number of databases.

Domain FAQ
What is a domain?
A domain is your unique address on the internet.
Example: echoechoplus.com

Do I need a domain?
You do not need a domain to have a hosting account.
You can always see your site at: username.echoechoplus.com
Do I get a free domain when I signup for hosting?
New annual plans get a $10 domain registration rebate on the first payment.
We will deduct the price to register a domain from the first payment.
The rebate is to register a domain. The registrar will bill you for future periods.
If you already have a domain name, you still get the initial rebate on annual plans.

How do I register a domain?
Go to Echo2.Com or a registrar of your choice.

Can you register my domain for me?
We could, but you should never register a domain through a third party.
By registering it yourself, you will always be in charge of the domain.

Can I transfer an existing domain?
Yes, it usually takes 24-48 hours.
We will guide you through the simple process, when you signup.

What is a mirrored domain?
If example.com and example.net point to the same site they are mirrors.
Mirrored domains are free and unlimited with EchoEchoPlus Hosting.

What is a parked domain?
A parked domain is a registered domain not currently in use.

Content FAQ
Can I use my account for commercial purposes?

Can I use my website for adult content?
We do not permit pornographic content accessible to the general public.
We accept any material that is kept in password protected folders as long
as it's legal and does not compromise the bandwidth of the server.
We reserve the right to forbid adult content, even in password protected folders, should we feel that it is needed for any or no reason.

Can I use my website for traffic exchange sites?
Of course you can host ordinary banners for your site and participate in traffic exchange programs, toplists, web rings etc.

What we don't allow, is hosting of a traffic exchange program itself,
where your site is the basis for the traffic exchange program.
You can not use our servers to host ads shown on third party sites.

We do not allow "hidden traffic", for example generated by a php script
that loads certain pages/ads/sites over and over again in order to spoof traffic measures for that page/ad/site.

In other words:
If your traffic is generated by humans, there will not be a problem.

What do you consider illegal material?
We do not allow hosting of illegal content, including, but not limited to:

Content that is infringing on the intellectual property rights of others,
including copyrights, trademarks and patents.

Distribution of or linking to: Hacker tools, Viruses, Worms, or Trojans -
including pages attempting to close or take over control of the visitor's browser.
Tools that could harm visitors, computers, servers or networks.

Hosting of, distribution of or linking to: Spam tools, open relay mailers,
email tools to assist spammers in sending out unsolicited mails.
Also, we do not allow resources that will let anyone become anonymous on
the internet by adopting our server's IP address.
As an example, we do not allow open relay mailers that will let anonymous
visitors send out mass mails from your account.

Unreasonable server resource demand:
Unreasonable demands of resources affecting other sites on the server.
As an example, you can not add an automated process that will download 10 external sites per minute, for 24 hours a day, or complex algorithms demanding a majority of our servers resources for extended periods of time.

Unreasonable hidden traffic:
Unreasonable amounts of "hidden" traffic - for example, you can't install a robot script that will crawl 100 external pages in 30 seconds.

Hosted traffic for other sites:
Hosting of archives, images or scripts for sites hosted elsewhere.

What is your spam policy?
We have a zero tolerance for spam mails sent from our servers - period.

Our spam definition is:
"One or more unsolicited messages, sent or posted as part of a larger collection of messages, all having substantially identical content."
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